This timeless damask design was developed with the ambition to match the beauty and complexity of the centuries old damask designs, which are still widely used today. Its feel is lush and tropical, with various flowers and other shapes of nature mixed among the foliage (contains stylised imagery of plants, fruits, flowers and genitals). The pattern is in no part a copy from historic sources.
Its erotic content is very subtly hidden in the design and not supposed to be the main focus. The pattern acknowledges the ornamental potential of genitals and their resemblance to certain flowers and fruits, and as such temporarily liberates these body parts from their sexual connotation. ‘Flowers of Earthly Delights II’ aims to cater to a somewhat utopian ‘post-sexualised’ world, where genitals can be admired as a beautiful shape of nature, allowed to form a part of an unobtrusive decorative backdrop.
‘Flowers of Earthly Delights II’ was originally a part of the ‘Anatomy’ group exhibition at the Cob Gallery London in 2011, also featuring work by artists Jamie Reid and Grayson Perry among others.